States Of Mind Affect Our Attention - Cognitive psychology - Mind Scape Today


In different states of mind, people contemplate the same topic of conflict in various ways; for example, a person who decides to stay in an ambivalent relationship in one state might decide to end it in another. Observing differences in attitude in various states can clarify the nature of the conflict.


In some states of mind, the difficult topic is ignored or touched on with numb other states, waves of uncontrollable feeling flood the person whenever a reminder of the topic occurs. Sometimes both displays of emotions of emotion and efforts to stifle feelings occur simultaneously. And at other times, even with unpleasant emotions, the person thinks and feels deeply about the difficult topic without sensing any lapse in control. This chapter covers a range of experiences of self-regulation. It also covers the range of states of mind: between desire and dread, between wished-for states of emotion, and those that people fear most.

Attention to states of mind and their labeling can lead to heightened awareness and clarification. Recognizing patterns and shifts in states and analyzing the cycles of states often illuminates motivation and clears the way for the understanding of conflict and its possible resolution.

Labeling states

Attention always depends on our labeling states. Labeling states of mind fall into three main categories. The first portrays the emotional coloration of a mood, such as depression or anxiety. These are general labels that are given to describe primary emotions. Idiosyncratic labels such as tensely vigilant or morose blues can be used to heighten personal awareness and describe individualized states. The second main category describes state regulation using the terms under-modulated, over-modulated, well-modulated, and shimmering. These themes are examined next. The third category labels state by type of motivation, such as wished-for or dreaded states. It also includes those quasi-adaptive and problematic states that people defensively use to avoid entry into states they dread.

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